I like the idea. If giving out at the beginning of the conference, it could also make the conference more "green." Of course, in that case it would probably need to be a travel mug instead of a regular mug.


Richard Wallis wrote:
We at Talis will be, as previously, sponsoring Code4lib next year - we are just finalising the details with our bean counters at the moment.

In addition to that I would like to make a suggestion as to maybe adding to the memories of the event beyond the ritual wearing of the t-shirt upon returning to our home establishments.

The consumption of hot beverages I suspect is an almost universal trait of the code4liber as we try to get the latest bit of perl, python, ruby, html, or javascript to behave as we intended it. Wouldn't it be nice in those occasional dark and testing times to have a warm and comforting physical reminder that we are part of a global community of similar folks, focused on and passionate about technology & libraries.


How about a Code4lib mug or similar beverage container. Subject to the featuring of a simple Talis logo, we would be prepared to explore the possibility of funding the production of a Code4lib 2009 mug for every attendee, which could feature graphics such as the winning t-shirt design a Code4lib message, or logo if we have one in time.

Just a suggestion - what do folks think?

Richard Wallis, Talis.

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