On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 08:56:38AM -0800, Karen Coyle wrote:
> >On the otherhand, you clearly do need a human readable version of the
> >standard - if we talk about library cataloguing, you don't want to give
> >a cataloguer a copy of the DSP to refer to, but something a bit more
> >(human) usable, which I'll call the 'manual'. It seems to me that
> >ideally this 'manual' combines information from the DSP (in a human
> >readable format) with the usage guidelines, and that the usage
> >guidelines should not repeat information already encoded in the DSP. I
> >suppose what I'm thinking of is establishing something like 'good
> >practice' for the usage guidelines, and that these would say 'do not
> >repeat information that is already encoded in the DSP'
> >  
> There is some discussion about figuring out a way to embed the DSP in 
> the guidelines document (or vice versa) in a way that the two are really 
> one document with some machine-actionable code and some human-readable 
> guidelines. The SWAP document heads in this direction, I believe:
> http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/repositories/digirep/index/Scholarly_Works_Application_Profile
> See the link "note about DC-text format" near the top of that document. 
> f(http://dublincore.org/architecturewiki/DCText)

In addition to DC-TEXT [1], there is a MoinMoin wiki syntax
for embedding DSP constraints into a human-readable wiki
document in a form that a script can extract to XML [2].
To see this applied to the Eprints profile [3], run the
script DSP2XML [4].  The source code is available at [5].


[1] http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-text/
[2] http://dublincore.org/documents/2008/10/06/dsp-wiki-syntax/
[3] http://dublincore.org/architecturewiki/EprintsApplicationProfile


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