[ The open...@oclc.org listserv seems to be down, so I'll send this here instead for some feedback, ignore if you know nothing about or don't care about OpenURL. :) ]

There doesn't seem to be any good way to specify an audio or video
'genre' for a SAP1/2 OpenURL.

The "book" format has all the metadata I'd need in it for audio or video
work specified, but just doesn't let me say audio or video (which I
guess makes sense because it's called "book").

But in using my link resolver as a general purpose item-finder, I really
want to be able to send citations to it for audio or video materials
(like a CD or DVD), and them identified as audio or video materials, so
the link resolver can respond accordingly.

Is there anything I can do at all?

Hmm, I could send a DC KEV OpenURL (ie info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dc ; there
is no format for an XML DC? Kind of odd), and use the "type" element. "The nature or genre of the content of the resource. Type includes terms describing general categories, functions, genres, or aggregation levels for content. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the DCMI Type Vocabulary)." I'm having trouble finding 'the DCMI Type Vocabulary' for sure (anyone know where I find that?), but it looks like it might include terms "Sound" and "MovingImage".

There's no way to actually specify which controlled vocabulary I am using in a DC KEV OpenURL 'type' element, is there?

If anyone thinks this makes sense and there's a way to do this, can you
give me an example of a DC KEV OpenURL with a type in it specifying
something like 'audio' or 'video'?


Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at) jhu.edu

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