Here are my notes from the Plone/Zope breakout session. Pardon my messy notetaking! -Jodi PS-I plan to post a version of these at eventually. If you attended and prefer I don't, please let me know.

Vernon Chapman, NAL
Kevin Clarke, Appalachian State University
David Cloutman, Marin County Free Library
Douglas Hahn, Texas A&M University
Tom Ceresini, PALINET
Heather Rolan, Yeshiva University
Jodi Schneider, Appalachian State University
Jon Stroop, Princeton University (Metadata Analyst)

repose.bfg ---can run plone/zope right through apache


1.5 - 2 years (1 year in production)

from Vignette ($ license, complicated end-user interface). Didn't have SDK's, hard to get content contributed. Content contributor user interface (Drupal easier for programmers, sucks for end-user.) 100-150 content editors 40,000 users

Subject guides, finding aids, class guides--custom metadata types

Pain points: caching, sending out the content, maintaining speed, getting locks on content (hard-coded to try 2 times--changed to 99 times)

Run varnish (, pound (no longer needed if you run varnish 2.0), 2 zeo servers ZODB -- more complicated architecture than they would like
Want load w/i 1 second

6 month ramp-out time, wanted display framework
layers in front may be necessary (e.g. searching, load balancing)--except for

Content mirror--dumped to DB, pulled to Django

Solr--for searching

add a writer to have a feed--Atom, RSS

LOTS of checks--wear and tear on performance--an issue for PUBLIC content

plinket using plone
wsgi---web services gateway interface

Plone is the display layer for Zope


Can deal with multiple levels:

IA, web design, programming
ZMI level/CSS level, python base code

portal types/content types
copy and paste--problem is when you upgrade, it goes away.

Comparison to framework

ZODB compared to RDBS:
easy to backup: text file. just do a diff
takes anything (large stuff--videos ok)

Where in the stack something is?

What you like about Plone:

inline editing
WSIWIG editors
"just works" if it fits your content types

"Spent all our time on making it pretty" -- "Didn't spend ANY time on content editors"


Ask TAMU: Can they share their subject guide content type?
(took 20 hours for them to do--e.g. 1 20 hr/wk --one )

class guide

forms took longer--now has form builder product--complex forms with javascript checking

UI work on display

Goes out to solr--associated journals, etc.
Tom went to online training from 7technw
4 hrs/day for 3 days, relatively introductory

Clouseau: while developing, can have live python command line

Web Developer Toolbar

sole developer
understand IRC

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