There are obviously other uses for URIs than sticking them in an 'href' attribute of an <a>. Like, the uses I thought this conversation was about?

What are we talking about again?

Houghton,Andrew wrote:
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Jonathan Rochkind
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] registering info: uris?

But when did someone suggest that all identifiers must be resolvable?
When Andrew argued that:

Having unresolvable URIs is anti-Web since the Web is a hypertext
system where links are required to make it useful.  Exposing
unresolvable links in content on the Web doesn't make the Web
more useful.
Okay, I guess he didn't actually SAY that you should never have non-
resolvable identifiers, but he rather strongly implied it, by using the
"anti-Web" epithet.

You are correct that I didn't say that you should never have unresolvable
identifiers and I wasn't implying that either.  Though I was pointing out
that sticking <a href="info:lccn/sh2009123456">Text</a> into the hypertext
system where info URIs are unresolvable negates the effect of linking to it
in the first place.


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