---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Reiss <kevin.re...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:16 PM
Subject: [code4libnycsig-l] Upcoming Meeting - April 22
To: code4libnycsig-l <code4libnycsi...@list.metro.org>

Hi List Members,
The code4libnyc SIG will hold our next meeting on Wednesday, April
22nd between 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon at the METRO offices at 57 E. 11th
Street in Manhattan near Union Square. We plan to have a roundtable
discussion and some short, informal presentations from SIG members. We
will be discussing the recent Code4lib National Conference that took
place in late February in Providence, Rhode Island
[http://code4lib.org/conference/2009/].  One of the development team
members for Omeka Project  [http://omeka.org/] , Jeremy Boggs, also
plans to join us for the discussion giving members an opportunity to
ask questions and find out what the future has in store that emerging
piece of open source web publishing software aimed at Museums,
Libraries, and Archives.
Please send a brief RSVP note to myself at kevin.re...@gmail.com if
you know you will be attending so we can provide METRO with an
estimate of how many attendees to expect. Walk-ins are also welcome so
if you decide at the last minute you can get away from work and want
to drop by please do not hesitate. If there is something you know
you'd like to present or discuss with the group ahead of time also
please let me know so we have an idea how to best structure our time
on the 22nd.
Kevin Reiss
Co-moderator, code4libnyc METRO SIG

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