
Well the obvious commercial example, sort of is that old favourite:
Beta (for which Sony charged a license fee and controlled who could
produce media) vs VHS (for which there was either no fee or a much
lower one, and not oversight of media producers).

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Andrew
Hankinson<> wrote:
> Have a look at the ongoing battles between MPEG4 and Ogg for the browser
> video space. I don't know of your second criteria for b), however - not many
> people are using Ogg (yet)
> -Andrew
> On 13-Jul-09, at 12:22 PM, Walter Lewis wrote:
>> Are there any blindingly obvious examples of instances where
>>   a) a standards group produced a standard published by a body which
>> charged for access to it
>> and
>>  b) a alternative standards groups produced a competing standard that was
>> openly accessible
>> and the work of group a) was rendered totally irrelevant because most
>> non-commercial work ignored it in favour of b).
>> My instinct is to quote the battle between OSI (ISO) and TCP/IP (IETF
>> RFCs).  Does that strike others as appropriate?
>> Any examples closer to the library world?
>> Walter Lewis

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