
Thats good to know. That's an angle we hadn't considered testing, however if the user has identified a preference, I think that it would be good that Google honors that preference rather than allowing me(a 3rd party as far as Google is concerned) to overwrite those preferences by my well meaning interference. I realize there are some simplistic assumptions in that statement, but I hope that any preferences set by the user would lead them to legitimate access points even if those access points happen not to be our subscriptions.

Bob Duncan wrote:
At 03:25 PM 7/15/2009, John Wynstra wrote:
We have tested routing off-campus users through our local proxy (WAM) when they link to Google Scholar from our library website . Not recommending it, just saying it works since the proxy is in the correct IP range. It has the benefit of leaving folks authenticated to the documents they will eventually click to--assuming you are using a rewrite proxy. It doesn't actually set preferences, so if users happen to go directly to Google Scholar they may be confused by the missing openURL links.

I was going to mention this as well, but I was home this morning and did some experimenting, and found that if I had already set a Library Links preference in Scholar, that my proxied URL strategy was foiled. To test...I accessed Scholar directly, set Stanford in Scholar Prefs, closed the browser, then accessed Scholar using a proxied URL. Instead of my library's OpenURL links, I still saw just Stanford's. I opened a different browser, accessed Scholar using the proxied URL, and saw Lafayette's OpenURL links.

Seems like as long as the browser has stated a conscious preference from within Scholar Preferences, IP address is ignored for purposes of offering OpenURL links. (Even from on-campus -- Scholar sets a preference based on IP address, but if you delete your institution from the prefs, it won't come back until you add it back or delete the Scholar cookie.)

Bob Duncan

Robert E. Duncan
Systems Librarian
Editor of IT Communications
Lafayette College
Easton, PA  18042

John Wynstra
Library Information Systems Specialist
Rod Library
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA  50613

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