What do you think about the Solr part having some specific goodies like:

lots on dismax magic

how to do fielded searching (author/title/subject) with dismax

how to do browsing (termsComponent query, then fielded query to get matching docs)

how to do boolean  (use lucene QP, or fake it with dismax)

- Naomi

On Nov 10, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

I'm interested presenting something Solr+library related at c4l10. I'm soliciting ideas from the community on what angle makes the most sense. At first I was thinking a regular conference talk proposal, but perhaps a preconference session would be better. I could be game for a half day session. It could be either an introductory Solr class, get up and running with Solr (+ Blacklight, of course). Or maybe a more advanced session on topics like leveraging dismax, Solr performance and scalability tuning, and so on, or maybe a freer form Solr hackathon session where I'd be there to help with hurdles or answer questions.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything I can do to help the library world with Solr is fair game - let me know.


On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:55 PM, Kevin S. Clarke wrote:

Hi all,

It's time again to collect proposals for Code4Lib 2010 preconference
sessions.  We have space for six full day sessions (or 12 half day
sessions (or some combination of the two)).  If we get more than we
can accommodate, we'll vote... but I don't think we will (take that as
a challenge to propose lots of interesting preconference sessions).
Like last year, attendees will pay $12.50 for a half day or $25 for
the whole day.  The preconference space will be in the hotel so we'll
have wireless available. If you have a preconference idea, send it to this list, to me, or to the code4libcon planning list. We'll put them
up on the wiki once we start receiving them.  Some possible ideas?  A
Drupal in libraries session? LOD part two?  An OCLC webservices
hackathon?  Send the proposals along...


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