Looks very nice. Congrats!

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Sarr, Nathan

> The University of Rochester is pleased to announce the 1.0 production
> version of its new open source institutional repository software
> platform, IR+.  The University has been running IR+ in production since
> August 2009.
> The download can be found here:
> http://code.google.com/p/irplus/downloads/list
> <http://code.google.com/p/irplus/downloads/list>
> The website for the project can be found here:
> http://www.irplus.org <http://www.irplus.org>
> IR+ includes the following features:
> -   Repository Wide Statistics: download counts at the repository
> collection and publication level.  The statistics excludes web crawler
> results, and includes the ability to retroactively remove previously
> unknown crawlers or download counts that should not be included, for
> more accurate statistical reporting.
> -   Researcher Pages, to allow users (faculty, graduate students,
> researchers) to highlight their work and post their CV
> o   Example of a current researcher:
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewResearcherPage.action?researcherId=
> 30
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewResearcherPage.action?researcherId
> =30<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewResearcherPage.action?researcherId%0A=30>
> >
> -   Ability to create "Personal publications" that allows users to have
> full control over their work and see download counts without publishing
> into the repository.
> -   An online workspace where users can store files they are working on,
> and if needed, share files with colleagues or their thesis advisor.
> -          Contributor pages where users can view download counts for
> all publications that they are associated with in the repository.
> o   Example of a contributor page:
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameId
> =20<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameId%0A=20>
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameI
> d=20<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameI%0Ad=20>
> >
> -          Faceted Searching (example search for: Graduate Student
> Research)
> o
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/searchRepositoryItems.action?query=Medi
> cal+Image
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/searchRepositoryItems.action?query=Med
> ical+Image>
> -          Embargos (example below embargoed until 2011-01-01)
> o
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.acti
> on?institutionalItemId=8057<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.acti%0Aon?institutionalItemId=8057>
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.act
> ion?institutionalItemId=8057<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.act%0Aion?institutionalItemId=8057>
> >
> -          Name Authority Control (Notice changes in last name)
> o
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameId
> =209<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameId%0A=209>
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameI
> d=209<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewContributorPage.action?personNameI%0Ad=209>
> >
> You can see the IR+ system customized for our university and in action
> here: https://urresearch.rochester.edu
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu>
> A further explanation of highlights can be found on my researcher page
> here:
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resear
> cherPublicationId=11<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resear%0AcherPublicationId=11>
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resea
> rcherPublicationId=11<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resea%0ArcherPublicationId=11>
> >
> The documentation for the system (install/user/administration) with lots
> of pictures can be found on my researcher page here:
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resear
> cherPublicationId=16<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resear%0AcherPublicationId=16>
> <https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resea
> rcherPublicationId=16<https://urresearch.rochester.edu/researcherPublicationView.action?resea%0ArcherPublicationId=16>
> >
> We would be happy to give you a personal tour of the system and the
> features it provides.
> Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
> -Nate
> Nathan Sarr
> Senior Software Engineer
> River Campus Libraries
> University of Rochester
> Rochester, NY  14627
> (585) 275-0692


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