I think mode of transportation is something to consider; for those of us in 
South/Eastern Ontario, most of the cities are relatively reachable within a few 
hours by ground (excepting Sudbury, unfortunately).

However, for those out-of-province coming via air transport, Kingston is at 
least 2h from the closest major airport (Ottawa).  [NB: don't get me wrong; as 
a Queen's graduate, I love Kingston very much].

So, in the name of practicality, one of the larger cities -- Toronto, Ottawa, 
Montreal -- probably makes the most sense.  It may be a bit less interesting 
for some, but at the same time, we could always pick one of the smaller cities 
for our second meet-up.

Just my $0.02CAD.


PS.  for air travel, Porter airlines is an excellent regional carrier, 
servicing Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Newark, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, and Toronto 
(among others).

On 2010-01-20, at 10:05 AM, Edward M. Corrado wrote:

> I agree that the sooner a space and date can be decided the better. While 
> Sudbury would probably be nice, it would be a tough sell because of the 
> distance from me (9.5 hrs). The others are all doable. Any ideas on how we 
> should decide? Some sort of ranked list? I personally would enjoy going back 
> to Montreal and I'd like to visit Ottawa, but Kingston is the closest.
> As far as dates, I'd personally like it to be on a Monday or Friday, this way 
> I would only have to take one (or 1.5) days off from work, and, I can take 
> the weekend to explore. (BTW: I'd like Monday better than Friday, but either 
> would be better than a Tuesday or Wednesday (Thursday being my third choice). 
> I guess I could do a weekend as well, but I would think most people would 
> rather it be during the week,
> Edward
> David Fiander wrote:
>> So far on the wiki the proposals for the location range from the
>> center of known space to "let's all visit Dan!":
>> - Toronto
>> - Kingston
>> - Ottawa
>> - Sudbury
>> - Montreal
>> Given some of the far-flung people who have expressed interest in the
>> meeting, including some people in Wisconsin (!), it would be
>> interesting to figure out the weighted average travel time required
>> for all of these locations, but I suspect that that would just mean we
>> end up in Toronto, again.
>> I just added Montreal to the list, just because, hey, it's Montreal!
>> But then, we'd have to find somebody at McGill to act as our host.
>> If we're going to be meeting in April/May, then it's probably time to
>> start the discussion about site selection so that when the decision is
>> made, the hosts will have time to make the arrangements and so that
>> people travelling have enough lead time to make cheap travel
>> arrangements.
>> - David

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