Ottawa (first choice). If it's in Ottawa anytime soon, and someone volunteers a location, I will help organize.

Order of preference from there: Kingston, Montreal, Toronto.


Tim Ribaric wrote:
Hello all,
  Chiming in a bit late but my vote would be for Kingston.  Also for those 
driving it would be possible to arrange some ride sharing, ala code4lib 2009... 
I'd find the link on the wiki but the code4lib site is running pokey right now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Location of the first Code4Lib North meeting?

So far on the wiki the proposals for the location range from the
center of known space to "let's all visit Dan!":

- Toronto
- Kingston
- Ottawa
- Sudbury
- Montreal

Given some of the far-flung people who have expressed interest in the
meeting, including some people in Wisconsin (!), it would be
interesting to figure out the weighted average travel time required
for all of these locations, but I suspect that that would just mean we
end up in Toronto, again.

I just added Montreal to the list, just because, hey, it's Montreal!
But then, we'd have to find somebody at McGill to act as our host.

If we're going to be meeting in April/May, then it's probably time to
start the discussion about site selection so that when the decision is
made, the hosts will have time to make the arrangements and so that
people travelling have enough lead time to make cheap travel

- David

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