Hey folks,

I worked on the Arrival van runs today...  I added a few more to try to 
accommodate more folks on the ride share list to the manifest.  And added some 
notes in the new field that Ryan put into the ride share list (* means sorry, 
but we don't run during the time you need, ? means I added a run but not sure 
if you are cool with waiting that long for it to come, and ( c ) means we don't 
have a confirmation for you...   Please get your confirmation info to Kevin 

In addition,  I added a run which I might need an extra car for (check this 
out...we might need some help from someone with additional car but these folks 
haven't confirm yet... So I'm still working on that one...)  We've talked some 
in the local arrangements committee that for some of these onezzes, and twozzes 
we might just send a car to meet you...  (They have a ??)

I've only worked on Arrivals today..will work on Departures tomorrow.  My head 
is swimming in Excel so I need to stop....


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