The code4libNYC SIG is pleased to welcome Eric Stedfeld and Jennifer
Vinopal from NYU Libraries who will be presenting a program on project
management for libraries on March 16th, 2010. Program details and location are 
as follows:

Title: Project Management for Digital Library Services
Date: Tuesday, March, 16
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Location: METRO Offices: 57th E. 11th St, New York, NY  (4th Floor)
Cost: There is no charge for this event

Program Description: Practicing active project and portfolio management in 
creating products and services promises great rewards in improved 
communication, efficiency and productivity. The promised rewards can prove 
elusive, however, as attempts to standardize best practices across a department 
or institution can be stymied by resistance to change, differing needs, uneven 
experience, and a multitude of confusing tool choices. Attempting such an 
implementation can be daunting as it becomes difficult to know even where to 

Eric Stedfeld and Jennifer Vinopal will share some of their experiences with 
project and portfolio management as it has been applied at New York University, 
especially in the digital library area of NYU Libraries. Eric will present a 
brief framework that puts general project management principles in context. He 
will then provide background on some project management initiatives in NYU's 
information technologies and digital library environments. Jennifer will bring 
things up to date with the digital library group's current evolving practice, 
extending to portfolio management across projects and services.

Plenty of time will be provided for questions and discussion. Please RSVP to 
either Kevin Reiss ( or Joanna DiPasquale 
( if you are planning to attend. There is no charge for 
this program.

Speaker Biographies:
Eric Stedfeld is a project manager and systems analyst with New York 
University's Digital Library Technology Services group. He joined the DLTS in 
1998, one year after the department was formed. His primary focus is metadata, 
workflow and business processes, policy and standards development, and 
documentation. Previous work includes interface design and interactive 
multimedia. Eric holds a masters degree in Computer Science from New York 
University, and is a Certified Associate in Project Management with the Project 
Management Institute.

Jennifer Vinopal is New York University’s Librarian for Digital Scholarship 
Initiatives. She has a variety of roles at NYU including: project manager and 
project portfolio manager for NYU’s Digital Library Technology Services; 
Co-Head of the Digital Studio, NYU’s gateway to digital services supporting 
scholarship and teaching; and subject specialist for French and Italian 
language and literature. Her background is in humanities scholarship, library 
collection development, and public service. She is primarily interested in 
creating person to person services (on-site, remote, virtual, etc.) to 
encourage and support scholars’ use of technology for research, teaching, and 
learning. She has an MLS from Rutgers University and an M.Phil. in French 
Literature from New York University.

For more information on code4libNYC please check our SIG wike at


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