On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:42:45PM +0000, Mike Taylor wrote:
> On 25 February 2010 12:07, Eric Lease Morgan <emor...@nd.edu> wrote:
> >> http://eric.clst.org/C4L/FirstLook
> >
> > Alas, I tried to post a comment to your First Look but I got an error upon 
> > submission. My comment is below:
> >
> >  I believe your assessment is right on target.
> >
> >  Code4Lib is mostly about community -- a community with a shared
> >  purpose of making computers more useful tools in the field of
> >  librarianship. [1] The community is a lot like an open source
> >  software community, and while open source software is held in
> >  high esteem, the community does not negate "closed" source
> >  software. In Code4Lib authority is often times based on the
> >  concept of metreocity..
> I guess that's something between a meritocracy and an atrocity :-)

I believe Eric was referring to the sister city of Detroit, Lxorbanor on
planet Oodlefarb, otherwise known as "Meteor City."

Great comment overall, Eric, and good catch, Mike.

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