On 3/5/10 1:10 PM, Houghton,Andrew wrote:
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:code4...@listserv.nd.edu] On Behalf Of
Bill Dueber
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Q: XML2JSON converter

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Houghton,Andrew<hough...@oclc.org>

Too bad I didn't attend code4lib.  OCLC Research has created a
version of
MARC in JSON and will probably release FAST concepts in MARC binary,
MARC-XML and our MARC-JSON format among other formats.  I'm wondering
whether there is some consensus that can be reached and standardized
at LC's
level, just like OCLC, RLG and LC came to consensus on MARC-XML.
  Unfortunately, I have not had the time to document the format,
although it
fairly straight forward, and yes we have an XSLT to convert from
MARC-JSON.  Basically the format I'm using is:

The stuff I've been doing:


... is pretty much the same, except:
I decided to stick closer to a MARC-XML type definition since its would be 
easier to explain how the two specifications are related, rather than take a 
more radical approach in producing a specification less familiar.  Not to say 
that other approaches are bad, they just have different advantages and 
disadvantages.  I was going for simple and familiar.

I certainly would be will to work with LC on creating a MARC-JSON specification 
as I did in creating the MARC-XML specification.

A CouchDB friend of mine just pointed me to the BibJSON format by the Bibliographic Knowledge Network:

Might be worth looking through for future collaboration/transformation options.


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