Just a reminder that the code4libNYC SIG has a program coming up next Tuesday. 
Please RSVP if you are interested in attending because seats have filled up 
quickly. There is no charge for this event.
Kevin Reiss
***Program Description****

>The code4libNYC SIG is pleased to welcome Eric Stedfeld and Jennifer Vinopal 
>from NYU Libraries who will be presenting a program on project management for 
>libraries on March 16th, 2010. The program details are:
>Title: Project Management for Digital Library Services
>Date: Tuesday, March, 16
>Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
>Location: METRO Offices: 57th E. 11th St, New York, NY  (4th Floor)
>Program Description: Practicing active project and portfolio management in 
>creating products and services promises great rewards in improved 
>communication, efficiency and productivity. The promised rewards can prove 
>elusive, however, as attempts to standardize best practices across a 
>department or institution can be stymied by resistance to change, differing 
>needs, uneven experience, and a multitude of confusing tool choices. 
>Attempting such an implementation can be daunting as it becomes difficult to 
>know even where to begin.
>Eric Stedfeld and Jennifer Vinopal will share some of their experiences with 
>project and portfolio management as it has been applied at New York 
>University, especially in the digital library area of NYU Libraries. Eric will 
>present a brief framework that puts general project management principles in 
>context. He will then provide background on some project management 
>initiatives in NYU's information technologies and digital library 
>environments. Jennifer will bring things up to date with the digital library 
>group's current evolving practice, extending to portfolio management across 
>projects and services.
>Plenty of time will be provided for questions and discussion. Please RSVP to 
>either Kevin Reiss (kevin.re...@gmail.com) or Joanna DiPasquale 
>(jd2...@columbia.edu) if you are planning to attend. There is no charge for 
>this program.
>Speaker Biographies:
>Eric Stedfeld is a project manager and systems analyst with New York 
>University's Digital Library Technology Services group. He joined the DLTS in 
>1998, one year after the department was formed. His primary focus is metadata, 
>workflow and business processes, policy and standards development, and 
>documentation. Previous work includes interface design and interactive 
>multimedia. Eric holds a masters degree in Computer Science from New York 
>University, and is a Certified Associate in Project Management with the 
>Project Management Institute.
>Jennifer Vinopal is New York University’s Librarian for Digital Scholarship 
>Initiatives. She has a variety of roles at NYU including: project manager and 
>project portfolio manager for NYU’s Digital Library Technology Services; 
>Co-Head of the Digital Studio, NYU’s gateway to digital services supporting 
>scholarship and teaching; and subject specialist for French and Italian 
>language and literature. Her background is in humanities scholarship, library 
>collection development, and public service. She is primarily interested in 
>creating person to person services (on-site, remote, virtual, etc.) to 
>encourage and support scholars’ use of technology for research, teaching, and 
>learning. She has an MLS from Rutgers University and an M.Phil. in French 
>Literature from New York University.
>For more information on code4libNYC please check our SIG wike at 


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