On 3/27/10 6:05 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
Does anybody here know how to use the valueForKey method (or some other method) 
in Javascript, specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch?

I have successfully defined a datasource (an XML stream). Here is an XML 

       <name water_id='79'>Agean Sea at Kos, Greece</name>
       <name water_id='37''>Amazon River, Peru</name>
       <name water_id='100'>Atlantic Ocean</name>

I am able to successfully extract the values for each water's name, like this:

   function coolHandler(event)
     var d = dashcode.getDataSource("list");
     var n = d.selection().valueForKey("name");
     alert( n );

The result of this handler is an echoing of the value for the name element.

Unfortunately, I want to get the value for the water_id attribute, but I can't 
for the life of me figure out how to access it.

I confess I am not the JavaScript expert, but I suspect the reason you're having difficulty is because an element attribute is usually considered a child of the element. Were I to hazard a guess, you'd need to look at something like:

function coolHandler(event)
  var d = dashcode.getDataSource("list");
  var n = d.selection().valueForKey("name.water_id");
    alert( n );

The Ranger isn't gonna like it, Yogi.

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