Hi all,

Apologies for cross posting.

The latest in the series of free Linked Data focused Platform Open Days hosted 
by Talis may be of interest.

This one is specify for anyone interested in understanding and applying Linked 
Data in the world of National, International, Cooperative, and other large 

These Open Days are designed to introduce you to the principles, practice and 
potential of Linked Data.  Included is a short tutorial on RDF and the SPARQL 
query language, pitched at a level which will engage the technical and inform 
the non-technical attendees.

Linked Data is being adopted by many significant organisations across the web.  
data.gov.uk<http://data.gov.uk> and the BBC are just two that are working with 
Talis on applying Linked Data Semantic Web techniques and technologies.   As 
can be seen from the provisional agenda below, this day will (in addition to 
addressing general Linked Data issues) be covering leading library specific 
initiatives in this area.


 *   Introduction to Linked Data
 *   Overview of the Talis Platform
 *   The Bnf Pivot project – Emmanuelle Bermes, Bibliothèque nationale de France
 *   W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group
 *   RDF/SPARQL tutorial
 *   Bibo – The Bibliographic Ontology
 *   Finding Semantic Relationships in MARC
 *   Linked Data in action

This is an ideal free day for those wanting an insight in to the potential and 
the practicalities of applying Linked Data to library data.

More information and registration:  

Richard Wallis
Technology Evangelist, Talis
Tel: +44 (0)870 400 5422 (Direct)
Tel: +44 (0)870 400 5000 (Switchboard)
Tel: +44 (0)7767 886 005 (Mobile)
Fax: +44 (0)870 400 5001

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/richardwallis
Skype: richard.wallis1
Twitter: @rjw
IM: rjw3...@hotmail.com<mailto:rjw3...@hotmail.com>

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