
Before spending too much time trying to integrate building floorplans
with Google Maps, I would consider whether the maximum zoom level
(currently 20, which is around 3 pixels per foot) will allow you to
provide the detail needed for your floorplan.

Although this might only be an issue if you want the floorplan to
display as an overlay over the regular GMaps basemaps.


Keith Jenkins
GIS/Geospatial Applications Librarian
Mann Library, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Tom Vanmechelen
<> wrote:
> We're considering  to expand our service with a item locator. "Mapping the 
> library" ( 
> describes how to build this with Google maps. But is this really the way to 
> go?  Does anyone has any experience with this? Does anyone have some best 
> practices for this kind of project knowing that we have about 20 buildings 
> spread all over the town?
> Tom
> -------------------------------------------
> Tom Vanmechelen
> K.U.Leuven / LIBIS
> W. De Croylaan 54 bus 5592
> BE-3001 Heverlee
> Tel  +32 16 32 27 93

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