You know, this leads into something I've been wondering about. You'll all have to pardon my ignorance, as I've never worked in a library with functioning management of e-resources.

Do libraries opt for these commercial 'pre-indexed' services simply because they're a good value proposition compared to all the work of indexing multiple resources from multiple vendors into one local index, or is it that companies like iii and Ex Libris are the only ones with enough clout to negotiate access to otherwise-unavailable database vendors' content?

Can I assume that if a database vendor has exposed their content to me as a subscriber, whether via z39.50 or a web service or whatever, that I'm free to cache and index all that metadata locally if I so choose? Is this something to be negotiated on a vendor-by-vendor basis, or is it an impossibility?


On 6/30/2010 12:37 PM, Walker, David wrote:
Hi Cindy,

Both the Ebsco and Proquest APIs are definitely available to customers.  We're 
using the Ebsco one in our Xerxes application, for example.  ( I'll send you a 
link off-list, Cindy.)


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Cindy Harper 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:11 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Innovative's Synergy

Hi All - III is touting their web-services based Synergy product as having
the efficiency of a pre-indexed service and the timeliness of a just-in-time
service.  Does anyone know if the agreements they have made with database
vendors to use these web services preclude an organization developing an
open-source client to take advantage of those web services?  Just curious.
I suppose I should direct my question to EBSCO and Proquest directly.

Cindy Harper, Systems Librarian
Colgate University Libraries
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Cory Rockliff
Technical Services Librarian
Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture
18 West 86th Street
New York, NY 10024
T: (212) 501-3037

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