Hi all,

= Announcing HydraCamp 2010

MediaShelf is hosting the first HydraCamp October 4-8 in Minneapolis.

Following from the recent Beta release of the Hydra framework and substantial 
interest in the Blacklight workshop at Code4Lib 2010, we've put together a 
training event that promises to knock your socks off.  To find more information 
and register, visit http://hydracamp2010.eventbrite.com/.

If you would like an official invitation to circulate within your organization, 
let us know and we will email one to you directly. (It seemed inappropriate to 
send the formal promo materials to this list.)

== Here's the Skinny

This week-long training event will focus on team-oriented development.  
Together with the creators of Hydra and some of the top Blacklight developers 
you will have the opportunity to build a Hydra head that is a complete solution 
for modeling, searching through and managing your unique content.  This is also 
an opportunity for your development team to spend time together focusing solely 
on making Hydra and Blacklight work at your institution.
Registration will give you advance access to training materials and screencasts 
so that you can hit the ground running and make the most of face time with the 
Hydra committers.  
Those who attend all five days will receive a certificate indicating that they 
have completed the course. 
=== Hydra: Days 1-3
The first three days of the event will focus on Hydra and will include 
substantial coverage of collaborative development techniques, learning Ruby on 
Rails, understanding ActiveFedora, and creating Hydra "heads" based on the 
Hydrangea demo application.
=== Blacklight & Solr: Days 4 & 5
The final two days of the event will focus on Blacklight.  People who attend 
only these two days will learn how to install and customize Blacklight.  For 
those attending all of HydraCamp, these two days will provide information on 
customizing the Blacklight-powered Search & Discovery features in your Hydra 
== Register Now
Space is limited.  Register at http://hydracamp2010.eventbrite.com/.

Hope to see you there.
Matt Zumwalt
MediaShelf, LLC

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