Hello Code4lib!  Indiana University and Bloomington are looking
forward to seeing you all at Code4Lib 2011 in February!  We have a
wide variety of social activities available - it's what makes
Bloomington such a fun place to be - so if you have ideas about what
Code4Lib conference go-ers should do while in town or would like to
participate as a group leader for outings (direction-giver/ring-leader/
life-of-the-party-er/general-enabler), get in on the conversation now
by signing up on the Code4Lib planning wiki:

Social Activities Committee

We're reviewing ideas from feedback given at last year's conference
and have a large list of eating/drinking establishments plus music,
comedy, art, theatre, and movie options to offer so help us organize
the heck out of your social calendar while you are here!

Julie Hardesty
Digital Library Program
Indiana University

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