I am a student at Simmons College, studying library science. Because I am 
taking a course about IT in the library, I recently subscribed to 
the “Code4Lib” listserv. I am a newbie on the list, and a fairly new librarian, 
but I am really enjoying (and I hope benefiting from) the discussion so far.

I need to interview a Systems Librarian, preferably about a recently completed 
IT project or one in progress, and generally about being a systems librarian. 
The interview will take less than an hour and can be completed by e-mail if 
that is your preference. If you are a systems librarian and you have just 
completed a project, or if you know someone in that position who would be 
interested in talking to a student about it, could you please let me know by 
responding to me at ruth.bernst...@verizon.net?

I would be most interested in a project that depends on a new discovery or 
innovation in IT, or one that uses IT in a new way. I hope this inquiry is not 
invasive for the list members and I really look forward to corresponding soon! 


Ruth Bernstein

Here are some details of my work, for systems librarians who are still reading: 

The interview can be as short as one hour (in fact, it will not exceed one 
The interview will remain confidential within the academic arena, so I can omit 
names or create pseudonyms if necessary.
I will share a summary of the paper with the interviewee afterward.

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