On Oct 14, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Raymond Yee wrote:

> I was at THATCamp SF last weekend.  Any particular area you are 
> interested in?  I co-presented with Roy Tennant a "bootcamp" on the OCLC 
> WorldCat APIs (and web APIs in general).  I also got a chance to talk to 
> a small group of people about building a website around the music of J. 
> S. Bach. There are various notes at http://www.thatcampbayarea.org/
> For me personally, I enjoyed the social interactions and learned quite a 
> bit about natural language processing through conversations.

The short answer to the your question is, "Yes." A longer answer is, "All of 
the above." I know a number of Code4Lib types were there, and I'm wondering 
what sort of things were discussed that related to Library Land. WorldCat APIs. 
NLP. "Boutique" collections. Others?

I guess what I really want to know is, "How did the 'digital humanities' 
compare & contrast with librarianship?"

Eric Morgan

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