On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Junior Tidal <jti...@citytech.cuny.edu> wrote:

> Does anyone have any recommendations for learning Django? Books, websites, 
> video tutorials, etc. ...

For resources, "learn django" in Google shows a bunch of promising hints.

Methodology-wise: Start with a fairly concrete, well-defined problem.
Have a product in mind before you start. Work hard with the tool you
choose to make your product. Don't stress about whether you've chosen
the best tools (you haven't) or whether you're doing it perfectly (you
aren't). Make the thing.

You can spend months looking over example code and tutorials and blog
posts and not learn nearly as much as you would attacking the problem.
Plus, you've gotten closer to solving the problem as you've learned.

Or, DHH says it a bit better:



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