There are some among us who aren't even bringing luggage and will
smell like beer all week.

Perhaps those two facts are related...


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Joshua Gomez <> wrote:
> Do you guys have any tips on transporting your brews?  I've seen a bottle of 
> tequila that exploded in a friend's suitcase on the way back from Mexico and 
> I'd rather not smell like beer all week.
> -Josh
>>>> "Mark A. Matienzo" <> 1/24/2011 9:41 AM >>>
> Do you like really good beer and/or would you possibly be willing to
> bring some in your luggage to Bloomington?
> A small group of Code4libbers is self-organizing a Craft Brew Drinkup
> at Code4lib. The general idea is that people bring beer that they love
> or at least think other people should try. We'll find a time to sit
> and taste everyone's selections. You don't have to bring beer to
> attend or participate, but it certainly helps to ensure that we have
> enough to go around. If you're a homebrewer, you're welcome to bring
> your own if you think it will pass our muster.
> I have created a signup sheet on the wiki - please post there with
> your name, location, ideas of what you might bring, and potential
> requests for others.
> Mark A. Matienzo
> Digital Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
> Yale University Library

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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