I'm not sure what you mean Terry. Maybe we have different understandings of "valid".

If leader bytes 20-23 are not "4500", I suggest that is _by definition_ not a "valid" Marc21 file. It violates the Marc21 specification.

Now, they may still be _usable_, by software that ignores these bytes anyway or works around them. We definitely have a lot of software that does that.

Which can end up causing problems that remind me of very analagous problems caused by the early days of web browsers that felt like being 'tolerant' of bad data. "My html works in every web brower BUT this one, why not? Oh, becuase that's the only one that actually followed the standard, oops."

I actually ran into an example of that problem with this exact issue. MOST software just ignores marc leader bytes 20-23, and assumes the semantics of "4500"---the only legal semantics for Marc21. But Marc4j actually _respected_ them, apparently the author thought that some marc in the wild might intentionally set different bytes here (no idea if that's true or not). So if the leader bytes 20-23 were "invalid" (according to the spec), Marc47 would suddenly decide that the "length of field portion" was NOT 4, but actually BELIEVE whatever was in leader byte 20, causing the record to be parsed improperly. And I had records like that coming out of my ILS (not even a vendor database). That was an unfun couple days of debugging to figure out what was going on.

On 4/6/2011 12:52 PM, Reese, Terry wrote:
Actually, you can have records that are MARC21 coming out of vendor databases 
(who sometime embed control characters into the leader) and still be valid.  
Once you stop looking at just your ILS or OCLC, you probably wouldn't be 
surprised to know that records start looking very different.


Terry Reese, Associate Professor
Gray Family Chair
for Innovative Library Services
121 Valley Libraries
Corvallis, Or 97331
tel: 541.737.6384

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Jonathan Rochkind
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARC magic for file

Can't you have a legal "MARC" file that does NOT have 4500 in those
leader positions?  It's just not legal "Marc21", right?   Other marc
formats may specify or even allow flexibility in the things these bytes

* Length of the length-of-field portion
* Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a
Directory entry
* Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory

Or, um, 23, which is I guess is left to the specific Marc implementation (ie,
Marc21 is one such) to use for it's own purposes.

I have no idea how that should inform the 'marc magic'.

Is mime-type application/marc defined as specifically Marc21, or as any


On 4/6/2011 12:28 PM, Ford, Kevin wrote:
Well, this brings us right up against the issue of files that adhere to their
specifications versus forgiving applications.  Think of browsers and HTML.
Suffice it to say, MARC applications are quite likely to be forgiving of leader
positions 20-23.  In my non-conforming MARC file and in Bill's, the leader
positions 20-21 ("45") seemed constant, but things could fall apart for
positions 22-23.  So...
I present the following (in-line and attached, to preserve tabs) in an
attempt to straddle the two sides of this issue: applications forgiving of non-
conforming files.  Should the two characters following 45 (at position 20)
*not* be 00, then the identification will be noted as "non-conforming."  We
could classify this as reasonable identification but hardly ironclad (indeed,
simply checking to confirm that part of the first 24 positions match the
specification hardly constitutes a robust identification, but it's something).
It will also give you a mimetype too, now.

Would any like testing it out more fully on their own files?

# MARC 21 Magic  (Third cut)

# Set at position 0
0       byte    x

# leader position 20-21 must be 45
20      string  45
# leader starts with 5 digits, followed by codes specific to MARC
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdnp][^bhlnqsu-z]  MARC Bibliographic
!:mime  application/marc
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdnosx][z] MARC Authority
!:mime  application/marc
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][uvxy]  MARC Holdings
!:mime  application/marc
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdn][w]    MARC Classification
!:mime  application/marc
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][q]     MARC Community
!:mime  application/marc

# leader position 22-23, should be "00" but is it?
0       regex/1 (^.{21})([^0]{2})       (non-conforming)
!:mime  application/marc

If this works, I'll see about submitting this copy.  Thanks to all your efforts


Library of Congress
Network Development and MARC Standards Office

From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Spero [s...@unc.edu]
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 14:01
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARC magic for file

I am pretty sure that the marc4j standard reader ignores them; the
tolerant reader definitely does. Otherwise JHU might have about two
parseable records based on the mangled leaders that J-Rock  gets stuck
with :-)

An analysis of the ~7M LC bib records from the scriblio.net data files
(~ Dec 2006) indicated that leader  has less than 8 bits of
information in it (shannon-weaver definition). This excludes the
initial length value, which is redundant given the end of record marker.

The LC V'GER adds a pseudo tag 000 to it's HTML view of the MARC leader.
   The final characters of the leader are "450".

Also, I object to the phrase "decent MARC tool".  Any tool capable of
dealing with MARC as it exists cannot afford the luxury of decency :-)

[ HA: "A clear conscience?"
   BW: "Yes, Sir Humphrey."
   HA: "When did you acquire this taste for luxuries?"]


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:16 AM, Owen Stephens<o...@ostephens.com>
"I'm sure any decent MARC tool can deal with them, since decent MARC
tools are certainly going to be forgiving enough to deal with four
characters that apparently don't even really matter."

You say that, but I'm pretty sure Marc4J throws errors MARC records
where these characters are incorrect


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:51 AM, William Denton<w...@pobox.com>   wrote:

On 28 March 2011, Ford, Kevin wrote:

   I couldn't get Simon's MARC 21 Magic file to work.  Among other
received "line too long" errors.  But, since I've been curious
for sometime, I figured I'd take a whack at it myself.  Try this:

This is very nice!  Thanks.  I tried it on a bunch of MARC files I
have, and it recognized almost all of them.  A few it didn't, so I
had a closer look, and they're invalid.

For example, the Internet Archive's Binghamton catalogue dump:


$ file -m marc.magic bgm*mrc
bgm_openlib_final_0-5.mrc:         data
bgm_openlib_final_10-15.mrc:       MARC Bibliographic
bgm_openlib_final_15-18.mrc:       data
bgm_openlib_final_5-10.mrc:        MARC Bibliographic

But why?  Aha:

$ head -c 25 bgm_openlib_final_*mrc
==>   bgm_openlib_final_0-5.mrc<==
01812cas  2200457   45x00
==>   bgm_openlib_final_10-15.mrc<==
01008nam  2200289ua 45000
==>   bgm_openlib_final_15-18.mrc<==
01614cam    00385   45  0
==>   bgm_openlib_final_5-10.mrc<==
00887nam  2200265v  45000

As you say, the leader should end with 4500 (as defined at
http://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/adleader.html) but two of those
files don't.  So they're not valid MARC.  I'm sure any decent MARC
tool can
with them, since decent MARC tools are certainly going to be
forgiving enough to deal with four characters that apparently don't
even really matter.

So on the one hand they're usable MARC but file wouldn't say so, and
other that's a good indication that the files have failed a basic
test.  I wonder if there are similar situations for JPEGs or MP3s.

I think you should definitely submit this for inclusion in the magic
It would be very useful for us all!


P.S. I'd never used head -c (to show a fixed number of bytes) before.
Always nice to find a new useful option to an old command.

# MARC 21 Magic  (Second cut)

# Set at position 0
0       short>0x0000

# leader ends with 4500

20      string  4500

# leader starts with 5 digits, followed by codes specific to MARC

0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdnp][^bhlnqsu-z]  MARC Bibliographic
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdnosx][z] MARC Authority
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][uvxy]  MARC Holdings
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[acdn][w]    MARC Classification
0       regex/1 (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][q]     MARC Community

William Denton, Toronto : miskatonic.org www.frbr.org openfrbr.org

Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Web: http://www.ostephens.com
Email: o...@ostephens.com

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