Sounds like we need a guitar teacher at the next conference.

On 4/26/2011 3:45 PM, Peter Murray wrote:
It is a pretty big list for me, much of it has already been mentioned.

  - map/reduce pattern
  - sophisticated Google Analytics usage
  - advanced Drupal module programming
  - AJAX in general and JQuery in particular
  - mock objects in PHP and Java for unit testing
  - playing a guitar


On Apr 26, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Edward Iglesias wrote:
Hello All,

I am doing a presentation at RILA (Rhode Island Library Association) on
changing skill sets for Systems Librarians.  I did a formal survey a while
back (if you participated, thank you) but this stuff changes so quickly I
thought I would ask this another way.  What do you wish you had time to

My list includes

CouchDB(NoSQL in general)
API Mashups

Don't be afraid to include Latin or Greek History.  I'm just going for a
snapshot of System angst at not knowing everything.

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