It seems that it is also related to copyright restrictions and general
counsel interpretations. If you print and re-scan. You're safer.
photocopy rules apply and not electronic copy.
Don't ask me more. I'm not a lawyer.

Karim Boughida

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 6:59 PM, Andrew Shuping <> wrote:
> Ranti is correct in what she says about publishers.  As an ILL person
> it drives me nuts that there are so many loopholes just to be able to
> send stuff from our databases via ILL.  Some of them say you can but
> you have to download it, print it, and then scan it again.  It isn't
> the ILL practices that need improvement, its bringing publishers into
> the 21st century.
> And as far as making it searchable its just not an option for a lot of
> library ILL departments when they have to rescan the document.  There
> are only two sending programs for ILL software (Ariel and Odyssey)
> outside of email and Ariel is a huge pain in the butt as to what type
> of scanners work with it.  And while Odyssey can support more scanners
> a number of ILL departments just don't have the money to buy a
> scanner/software to make it OCR compatible documents.
> Andrew Shuping
> Emerging Technologies & Services/Interlibrary Loan
> Jack Tarver Library, Macon, GA
> Robert Frost - "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned
> about life: it goes on."
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Ranti Junus <> wrote:
>> It depends on the license agreement between the publisher and the
>> lending library. Many publishers do not allow library ILL to simply
>> download the PDF directly from their journal article page and send it
>> to the requestor.  A lot of publishers allow the lending library to
>> download and print the article, and then send it to the borrowing
>> library as paper copy. There are also  publishers who allow to send
>> article as print-scan-send. That is, we have to print out the PDF,
>> scan it (back to the PDF), and send it as a file.
>> Do ask me why the publisher want that kind of silliness. That's what
>> I'm told when I complaint about exactly the same thing.
>> It is my understanding the scan-to-pdf is the problematic one; ILL
>> unit will need to have OCR-capable scanner and that might add another
>> burden to them if the OCR result is not good. YMMV.
>> ranti.
>> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:18 PM, don warner saklad <> 
>> wrote:
>>> How do you request digital format for a pdf interlibrary loan journal
>>> article where a digital format is available for the article?... not the
>>> image format if available in digital. Guidelines for interlibrary loan
>>> practices need to distinguish digital pdf from image pdf where journal
>>> articles are available in digital format.
>> --
>> Bulk mail.  Postage paid.


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