Has anyone had any experience mapping book data from PastPerfect 4 into MARC 
format for import to a library system? We have about 550 book records from an 
old version of PastPerfect that we are no longer using, and want to import them 
into our MARC-based library database. 
It appears that the vendor used to have an add-on called ezMARC that would do 
this, but they are no longer making it in version 5, and I'm not sure if it 
might still be available for version 4. I also don't know how effective it is 
-- would like to have a testimonial from someone before we spend money to buy 
add ons to a product we're no longer using!
I have all the data and could obviously map it manually. But I would obviously 
prefer to have a ready-made filter as a starting point. 
David Dwiggins
Systems Librarian/Archivist, Historic New England
141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114
(617) 994-5948

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