I doubt anyone is particularly wedded to the particularities of the current theme. It probably doesn't matter, as long as you can put the code4lib logo at the top with a banner-menu, if the theme changes, even significantly. As long as it has pretty much the same functionality exposed that it has now (and even that probably isn't that carefully thought out).

On 6/15/2011 4:23 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:
The theme looks like a minor hack of the Chameleon theme, so it should
not be difficult to reproduce.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Wick, Ryan<ryan.w...@oregonstate.edu>  wrote:
Thanks for offering to help. I agree about the need to upgrade, and this is a 
pretty quiet time to do so.

I'm guessing the theme will need to be done from scratch. It was already 
cobbled together.

I'll try and send you some more information later today. If anyone else really 
wants in on this, let me know.

Ryan Wick

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Cary 
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib 2012 Seattle Update

That's me!

It is probably a good time to move this to a newer version, perhaps Drupal 7, 
if for no other reason than security. The only downside is that the theme would 
either need to be recreated or change. No biggy, really.

If someone wants to send me the code and a DB dump, I will do it in my 
less-than-ample spare time.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Rob Casson<rob.cas...@gmail.com>  wrote:
i've got admin rights on the code4lib drupal, so i went ahead and set the alias:


cary: i'll look into getting you the correct privileges.  you're
highermath, correct?


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Cary Gordon<listu...@chillco.com>  wrote:
In a modern version of Drupal, you can set a path alias for any page.
Unfortunately, C4L does not appear to be in a modern version of
Drupal. It looks like 4.7 or earlier.

I would be happy to volunteer to help manage it.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Anjanette Young
<youn...@u.washington.edu>  wrote:
Hey Susan,

Sweet! Language. Information. Social niceties.

Here is the link to the 2012 sponsor page.


(Anyone know how to make that a nicer url on drupal?)

There seems to be discussion on expanding options for sponsorship,
but the options on the page are standard.
Thank you for the words.  Hope that it turns out that you able to
travel to Seattle for the conference.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Susan Kane<adarconsult...@gmail.com>wrote:

Hi Anj,

Nice to see your name again after meeting briefly at UW when you
were coming and I was leaving for Boston!

I doubt I'll be able to attend the conference this year but I've
put the word out to the group of Ex Libris and Endeavor alumni that
I manage on LinkedIn.  Many people now work for other library technology 
Will let you know if anything useful comes back.

Here's a copy of my promotional message, in case others on the list
want to try their own networks.  It might help our cause if someone
could add a link about sponsorships to the conference section of
the website.

--- promotional blurb ---

c4l -- code4lib is a unique conference that attracts a small but
influential group of library technologists each year. Next year's
conference is Feb 6-9,
2012 in Seattle, WA. They are still seeking vendor sponsorships --
great visibility with influential folks for a fraction of the cost
of ALA!   If you can help, please contact me privately through
<<your preferred contact method here>>.

-- promotional blurb ---

Susan Kane
Harvard University OIS

Anjanette Young | Systems Librarian
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900 | Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206.616.2867

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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