I found the paper about vocabularies interesting.  I was in China last week at 
a workshop that was discussing Linked Data, among other things, related to a 
FAO initiative I have been involved in.  While I was there I heard about a 
recently funded project (to the tune of $12 million US) involving a few 
institution in China that is going to create what they're calling a super 
thesauri (called STKOS) that will be a comprehensive vocabulary for medical, 
engineering, science, and agriculture (all in English).  They're talking about 
mapping some very large thesauri such as UMLS and Agrovoc to this new thesaurus.

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Eric 
Lease Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:08 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] library linked data

  * LLD Vocabularies and Datasets - Enumerated various
    library-related metadata element sets, value vocabularies, and
    datasets. In combination, these thing support the creation,
    maintenance, ad use of Library Linked Data (LLD). I was
    pleasantly surprised at the number of items in each enumeration.
    The next step is to put them into practice to a greater degree.

[2] vocabularies - http://bit.ly/ksioyK 

Eric Lease Morgan

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