Hello everybody,

Plans are underway for a one-day code4lib [1] mini-conference in New York, in conjunction with METRO [2], which has graciously hosted our local "chapter" for several years as a SIG.

After ruling out large swaths of time this fall for various reasons, we arrived at Monday, Sept. 26 as the potential date.

Kevin Reiss [kevin.re...@gmail.com], Joanna DiPasquale and I are co-conveners of the local group. We would like to confirm that the date is not evil before concretizing it, so: if you know of some conflict that would prevent people attending, please let one of us know.

More information should be forthcoming.

[1] http://code4lib.org/
[2] http://metro.org/

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

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