We have the glad to invite to test  the beta version of Tematres 1.4

TemaTres  is a web tool to manage, publish and exploit controlled
vocabularies and other formals representation of knowledge ( thesauri,
taxonomies, glossaries, etc) .

This release includes the following fixes and improvements:

- Quality indicators about controlled vocabularies
The Quality assurance was improved with reports about the following
quality indicators:
- Free Terms
- Terms without hierarchical relationships
- Average number of words per term
- Terms per N Broader terms
- Terms per N narrower terms and depth
- Terms words with not supported prefixes or suffixes

For more details:
MARTÍNEZ, A.M.a et al. Concepto, forma y longitud de los términos
preferentes del tesauro: una
propuesta de indicadores de calidad. Anales de Documentación, 2010,
vol. 13, p. 185-195.

MARTÍNEZ, A.M.a et al. Indicadores para evaluar el vocabulario y la
estructura sistemática de un tesauro. I Jornada de Intercambio y
Reflexión acerca de la Investigación en Bibliotecología, La Plata, 6-7
de diciembre de 2010. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la
Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

- User-defined notes
Has been added management capabilities to manage and create
user-defined notes. (Thanks to Observatorio Estatal de la Discapacidad
- Spain: http://www.observatoriodeladiscapacidad.es/)

- Advanced configuration options
Has been added detailed configuration options available to the
administrator of the controlled vocabulary.

- Import controlled vocabularies
Now TemaTres can import controlled vocabulary from plain tagged text.
For example:

- IMS VDEX Scheme (Vocabulary Definition and Exchange)
Now with TemaTres you can Display, export and publish terms and
controlled vocabularies through VDEX IMS XML schema (Vocabulary
Definition and Exchange). http://www.imsglobal.org/vdex/

- Controlled vocabularies RESTful Services
TemaTres have support for web services accessible through a clear and
simple syntax. The service support a wide variety of queries and data
can be viewed in XML, JSON or SKOS-Core.



Terms beginning with the letter B:

Search Terms :

Vocabulary Data

Top of vocabulary terms

- Minor bugs was solved and was added some minor features

Apologies for any cross-posting.  Any comments and suggestions are welcomed

Diego Ferreyra

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