some of us in IRC were kicking around the idea of a git preconf.  i'm
just getting started, and totally unqualified to lead something like
that, but could help out a bit...anyone feel like they could wrangle
that?  we've got a couple folks that could talk about specifics
(gitolite, etc)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:13 PM, John Fink <> wrote:
> Hey Code4lib folks!
> Code4Lib 2012 is rapidly approaching and it's time to gather up some
>  proposals for the Code4Lib 2012 preconference sessions! We're accepting
> preconference proposals for both full day and half day morning/evening
> sessions. If you've got an idea, put it on the wiki! It's at
> The proposal
> deadline is Friday, November 18th. We can accommodate preconference sessions
> of varying sizes; there's a main room that can fit 275 people and five
> breakout rooms that can fit between 30-35 people. For examples of last years
> preconference proposals, take a look at the wiki here --
> Once we've
> collected enough proposals, we'll put them up, and if we've collected too
> many of them, we'll vote on which ones are the best, probably after November
> 18th. Thanks for submitting and let us know if you've got any questions!
> jf

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