I think what I'm hearing here is that it would be a good idea to ask a
webmaster on the other end if it's OK.
Advertising... Roberto, good point I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Roberto Hoyle <rjho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/2/2011 10:23 PM, Nate Hill wrote:
>> A question: what are the 'rules' around screen scraping?
>> If one site doesn't offer an RSS feed and you want to grab (for example)
>> their weekly top ten list with a script and then redisplay it on another
>> site, is that bad form?  Or even illegal?
> If the site in question depends on advertising, what you are suggesting
> would be seriously uncool.
> If you don't get their approval and it's not for personal use, it may be a
> copyright violation also.
> r.

Nate Hill

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