May be of interest to someone on this list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [semweb-25] Metropolitan Musem of Art hiring a Semantic Web Developer
Date:   Thu, 24 Nov 2011 11:01:27 -0500
From:   don undeen <>
Reply-To:       <>
To:     <>

Hoping that this isn't a spam, but the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Digital Media Department is hiring for an Information Systems Developer. This position will be involved in advanced data architecture solutions, to support a variety of web and in-gallery technology.

This work may entail:
- Setting up and administering triple stores, NoSQL dbs, and CMSs like Drupal
- designing interfaces, modules, and workflows for same
- Implementing collective intelligence algorithms,
- experimenting with new technologies, developing prototypes and proofs-of-concept - and (to be honest) some drudgery, like data delivery, ETL, and report generation

See the application on linkedin, here:*1_*1_I_us_*1_*1_1_R_true_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2 <*1_*1_I_us_*1_*1_1_R_true_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2>

I know many of you do more than just SemWeb work, and many of you are on this list because you like to find new ways to tackle vexing problems. That's what we're looking for.

If you choose to submit a resume, please send it to the email address provided, but also cc me:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Don Undeen
Manager, Media Lab
Digital Media Department
Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Jon Stroop
Metadata Analyst
Firestone Library
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

Phone: (609)258-0059
Fax: (609)258-0441

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