I'm trying to figure out what software they use, but that 'about' page has a link that does not seem useful (it links to a page for a lisp-like language, with no mention of any software package in that language or any other that can provide a hacker-news-like site).

Don't know if the link is in error, or what. Anyone know what software Hacker News and this Library News clone are based on, for real, and where to look at the source/documentation? Trying to google for what open source software Hacker News runs on, I'm not having any luck.

On 11/29/2011 1:09 PM, Wilfred Drew wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Brett 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Library News (à la ycombinator's hackernews)

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 12:02 AM, BRIAN 
TINGLE<brian.tingle.cdlib....@gmail.com>  wrote:
I'm not sure how many of y'all read hackernews (news.ycombinator.com, I'm 
addicted to it) but I just saw on there that there is a similar style site for 
Library News that somebody launched.

I'm addicted to Hacker News as well, and for a long time I've wanted something 
similar for librarians. I even worked with my colleagues at In the Library with 
the Lead Pipe to try to start such a community, using SlinkSet (since acquired 
by Posterous) as the backend. We had some activity for a while, but never 
really got it going and ultimately decided close the site rather than fight the 

So... what's it going to take for Library News to make it?


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