
I'm now in the group that produces XTF, and for XTF4.0, I'm thinking about 
updating the EAD XSLT based on the Online Archive of California's stylesheets.

For our EAD samples that we distribute with the XTF tutorial, we are using 6 
EAD files from the library of congress (which presumably are public domain).  

I'd like to start of a collection of pathological EAD examples that we have the 
rights to redistribute with the XTF tutorials and to use for testing.

Anticipating that potential contributors might not want to release their actual 
records for inclusion in an open source project; I hacked a little script to 
systematically change names and nouns to pig latin


Here is a sample run;

Input: (from http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt3580374v/ )

The NASA Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on January 28, 1986 when 
Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the 
deaths of its seven crew members. Disintegration of the entire vehicle began 
after an O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster failed at liftoff. The 
disaster resulted in the formation of the Rogers Commission, a special 
commission appointed by United States President Ronald Reagan to investigate 
the accident. The Presidential Commission found that NASA's organizational 
culture and decision-making processes had been a key contributing factor to the 
accident. NASA managers had known that contractor Morton Thiokol's design of 
the solid rocket boosters contained a potentially catastrophic flaw in the 
O-rings, but they failed to address it properly. They also disregarded warnings 
from engineers about the dangers of launching posed by the low temperatures of 
that morning.


The Nasaay Acespay Uttleshay Allengerchay isasterday occurred on Anuaryjay 28, 
1986 when Acespay Uttleshay Allengerchay okebray apartway 73 econdsays into its 
flight, leading to the eathdays of its seven ewcray embermays. Isintegrationday 
of the entire ehiclevay began after an O-ring ealsay in its ightray solid 
ocketray oosterbay failed at iftofflay. The isasterday resulted in the 
ormationfay of the Ogersray Ommissioncay, a special ommissioncay appointed by 
Itedunay States Esidentpray Onaldray Eaganray to investigate the accidentway. 
The Esidentialpray Ommissioncay found that Nasaay's organizational ulturecay 
and decision-making ocessprays had been a key ontributingcay actorfay to the 
accidentway. Nasaay anagermays had known that ontractorcay Ortonmay Iokolthay's 
esignday of the solid ocketray oosterbays contained a potentially catastrophic 
awflay in the ingO-rays, but they failed to addressway it properly. They also 
disregarded arningways from engineerways about the angerda!
 ys of launching posed by the low emperaturetays of that orningmay.

Does anyone have any thoughts or feedback on this?  Is this totally silly?  Is 
there something besides pig latin that I could transform the words to?  Any 
obvious ways I could improve the python?

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