Hi, Lars, you seem to be on the right track, but I'll chime in for
repositories here. Either DSpace or Fedora  Commons make good "boxes" for
digitized content, you're just faced with the task of building an
interface to them. For DSpace, I'd look at using Skylight [1], for Fedora
there are lots of choices, but a really fun one is EULFedora [2], written
by the fine folks at Emory University. EULFedora is a Django-based front
end for Fedora, there is a great tutorial/howto on readthedocs.org [3].
Another option is to use whatever box/CMS/DAM you have handy, and then use
the page-turner that mutlivio.org makes available.

If you're looking for Digital Library in a box, you're probably looking
for Omeka (PHP web app), or Islandora (Drupal front end for Fedora). You
can download a Vbox [4] image with a running instance of Islandora, boot
it up in Virtual Box and Bam! You're cooking.

Another option that doesn't get enough mention is the digital library
software that Villanova wrote, VuDL. [5]

[1] http://skylightui.org
[2] https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora
[3] http://eulfedora.readthedocs.org
[4] http://islandora.ca/download_islandorademo_virtualbox
[5] http://vudl.org/

HARDY POTTINGER <pottinge...@umsystem.edu>
University of Missouri Library Systems
"No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone,
turn back." --Turkish proverb

On 12/9/11 11:05 PM, "Lars Aronsson" <l...@aronsson.se> wrote:

>If I built this website today and not in 1994,
>(you can see it hasn't changed much,
>then I would probably use CSS rather than HTML tables for
>layout, I would probably use a MySQL database instead of
>plain text files, and I would probably use some open source
>content management (CMS) or digital asset managment (DAM)
>software rather than a Perl script that generates static
>HTML files.
>But which open source framework would I use? Greenstone?
>XTF? DSpace? Mediawiki? Django? WordPress?
>I found the Mark Twain Project, which uses XTF, and it looks
>quite nice, http://www.marktwainproject.org/
>Then I saw the video showing how to add a new document to an
>XTF website, and that didn't look so good,
>in particular I didn't like these steps:
>     5. Shut down tomcat.
>     6. Do an incremental re-index (2) to include the new document.
>     7. Start up tomcat.
>     ...
>To be clear: I need a platform where regular users, logged
>in or not, can upload new books through a web interface.
>Does that leave me with anything else than Mediawiki?
>   Lars Aronsson (l...@aronsson.se)
>   Project Runeberg - free Nordic literature - http://runeberg.org/

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