Hi everyone,

Are you coming to c4l this year? Will this be your first time at the
conference? Or are you a c4l veteran looking to corrupt some newbies? Come
one, come all to the Newcomer Dinner on *Tuesday, February 7th*. Join
fellow c4l newbies and veterans for an evening of food, socializing, and
stimulating demonstrations of the many uses of XML.

The sign up page is at
There are a lot of restaurants to choose from, so there should be plenty of
options to go around. Here are the guidelines (also listed on the wiki):

   - Max of 6 per location
      - Please, no waitlisting :(
      - Some places are large enough to accommodate multiple groups - it's
      your responsibility to find out either way if you're interested
      - ID yourselves so we can get a good mix of new people and veterans
   in each group
      - New folks - n
      - c4l vets - v
   - One leader needed for each location (declare yourself! - Vets are
   highly encouraged to lead the group :))
      - Leader duties
         - Make reservations if required; otherwise make sure that the
         restaurant can handle a group of 6 rowdy library coders
         - Herd folks from hotel/other designated meeting place to
         restaurant (know where you're going)

Go forth and sign up! Let me know if you have any questions and I'll see
you all soon.


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