The third installment of Code4Lib North is a go!
We have the okay from our administration, we (tentatively) we have a place to meet up in the University's new Engineering Building, and we have a team of folks from the Leddy Library who will endeavour to extend the same kind hospitality that both McMaster and Queen's University demonstrated in the past. And there's a chance that we might be able to hold a social event in the soon to be reopened Walkerville Brewery. Code4Lib Community: do have any suggestions for what sort of format we should pursue? At the moment, I'm thinking along the lines of being two days with the first being a hackfest and the second being lightning talks and presentations. Should we also include an 'ask me anything' on the first day? the second? If we get the space we want, we might have access to a 3D printer. Should we try to incorporate some hardware hacking? Also, we're not well versed in livestreaming and archiving video of presentations here but if it's important to the community, we can give it our best shot. How important is live video/archived video to you? And perhaps, most importantly, what week in May would work best for you? Here are some mitigating factors (please let me know of any that I may have missed) - April 20-22 : GreatLakes THATCamp (London, Ontario) - May 5th : Weird Al is playing the Detroit Fox Theatre - June/July : tentative Code4Lib Midwest meetup at Michigan State Please let me know, on or off-list. Thanks! Mita