I haven't actually tried to use the JournalTOCs API (
http://www.journaltocs.ac.uk/develop.php) for this, but it looks like you
should be able to use it to accomplish what you want to accomplish?



Julia Bauder

Data Services Librarian

Interim Director of the Data Analysis and Social Inquiry Lab (DASIL)

Grinnell College Libraries

1111 Sixth Ave.

Grinnell, IA 50112

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 2:56 PM, David Uspal <david.us...@villanova.edu>wrote:

> All,
>   I've hit a bit of a problem recently and I'm hoping someone on the list
> has seen this themselves and can offer advice/assistance.
>   I'm attempting to generate usage reports for the electronic materials in
> our library.  To do this, we generate two separate tables, then need to
> merge the results into one final document.  A fairly easy task normally,
> except for one glaring issue -- the unique key for these tables, the ISSNs,
> don't match.
>  Apparently, the source of one of our reports is exporting print ISSNs
> wherein our internal listing use the electronic ISSNs.  To rectify this, we
> have two options -- either we can hand edit one of the sources to use the
> other type of ISSN (a HUGE undertaking), or (and hopefully) if there
> existed some resource that mapped print ISSNs to electronic ISSNs (ala an
> OCLC Authority database but for ISSNs), we could use this to map between
> the ISSN types.  Obviously, we prefer the latter.
>    Has anyone else run into this issue?  How did they overcome this?  And
> is there a resource out there that will map between print ISSNs and
> electronic ISSN?  Thanks.
> David K. Uspal
> Technology Development Specialist
> Falvey Memorial Library
> Phone: 610-519-8954
> Email: david.us...@villanova.edu

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