**Please excuse cross-posting!**

*Call for Participation: LITA Mobile Computing IG meeting
*Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 8:00am to 10:00am*
Disneyland Hotel <http://ala12.scheduler.ala.org/node/69> North Exhibit
Hall Room DE

The LITA Mobile Computing IG seeks 4-5 short presentations (15 minutes) on
mobile computing for the upcoming ALA Annual Conference at Anaheim, CA.

The LITA MCIG is also seeking the suggestions for discussion topics, things
you have been working on, plan to work, or want to work on in terms of
mobile computing. All suggestions and presentation topics are welcome and
will be given consideration for presentation and discussion.

Feel free to email me off-the-list (k...@fiu.edu) and/or post your topic at
ALA Connect : http://connect.ala.org/node/176080
Thank you!

Bohyun Kim

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