Hi, In the last month we worked on specification of a patron account API (PAIA) because existing (or more: non-existing) APIs such as NCIP and SLNP don't fit our needs (most of all: simplicity, strict definitions, and decoupling of authorization and access). The API is based on DLF-ILS recommendations, VuFind ILS drivers, and OAuth among other input. I'd hereby like to share the current draft for comments:
http://gbv.github.com/paia/paia-868166f.html http://gbv.github.com/paia/ How to contribute: * Implement a server and/or client of the PAIA specification for your ILS and/or discovery interface * Fork and modify the specification at github * Comment on the specification and report bugs: https://github.com/gbv/paia/issues * Think about useful apps and mashups that make use of PAIA The API should be made available to end-users and to third parties. A mapping to RDF should be possible, similar to DAIA, but the first goal is to provide an easy and defined access for automatically accessing patron accounts. How would you make use of such an API? Jakob -- Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) Digitale Bibliothek - Jakob Voß Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1 37073 Goettingen - Germany +49 (0)551 39-10242 http://www.gbv.de jakob.v...@gbv.de