Penn State Digital Library Technologies and MediaShelf invite you to
HydraCamp 2012!  HydraCamp is a full week of training for developers
seeking to learn the habits of agile Rails developers and use the
Hydra framework to build interfaces for curating and searching complex

     WHEN:  October 8th-12th, 2012
     WHERE: The Atherton Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania

The registration price is set at $375.00 for early registrations
completed by August 17, 2012. The registration price after August 17
is set at $425.00.  The registration fee covers five days of training,
all breakfasts, afternoon snacks & drinks, three lunches, and one
dinner.  A hotel block has been arranged at the site of the training,
the Atherton Hotel, at a rate of $85.00 per night.

There are fifteen spaces available, and we expect them to fill up very
quickly.  We will provide a waitlist after they fill up.  Register at
your earliest convenience to be guaranteed a space:

For more information about the program, logistics, and traveling to
central Pennsylvania, see the registration link above.  Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you in October!


P.S. Apologies for cross-posting and all that.

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