The research landscape is changing rapidly in the digital age, with scholars
able to ask new types of questions and answer them in novel ways. As one of
the British Library's Digital Curators you will play a role in the exciting
transformational steps that will change the way the Library provides access to
its collections in digital form. You will also assist in the development of
programmes to train staff in the opportunities for and practices of digital

The work will involve tracking developments in digital scholarship, creating
partnerships which can support the Library's strategic objectives and
encouraging, supporting and assisting curators to realise their vision for
integrating digital content into a seamless research experience.

You will have a good understanding of digital scholarship, preferably gained
from working in a research library, academic or other appropriate environment.
You will have excellent information technology skills, including web-based
skills and experience of the tools and technologies that support digital
scholarship. Excellent Project Management, oral and written communication
skills are also essential for this post.

**Job purpose:**  
To contribute to the development and implementation of the Library's Digital
Scholarship Strategy. To support curators and other
professionals in the integration of digital collections and digital tools into
routine curatorial functions. To lead the project management of complex
digital or digitisation projects, working closely with curators in discipline
areas. To train and advise staff throughout the Library in
digital scholarship.

**Key areas of responsibility**

  * To track developments in digital scholarship and the demand from users for 
new ways of researching which can exploit digital content
  * To create partnerships, internal and external, which can support the 
Library's strategic objectives in acquiring digital content, or exploiting the 
collection in digital ways
  * To develop models of digital scholarship for arts and humanities and the 
social sciences and helping to integrate these within curatorial areas
  * To encourage, support and assist curators in discipline areas to realise 
their vision of integrating a variety of formats into a seamless research 
experience or of digitising particular parts of the Library's collections
  * To lead on the delivery of major projects requiring complex project 
management and deep knowledge of digital scholarship, including managing 
dedicated resource
  * To train staff throughout the Library in the opportunities for and 
practices of digital scholarship.
**Resources managed**

  * Curators, support staff, and project budgets [will vary]
**Main tasks**

  * Content development and collection management
  * To contribute to implementing the annual Digital Scholarship Action Plan
  * To research and scan Higher Education policy and practice, notably but not 
exclusively in digital humanities and the social sciences.
  * To identify digital scholarship opportunities that the Library should 
pursue to support the researcher, and disseminate to colleagues information 
about new methodologies and technologies emerging
  * To develop in collaboration with Library curators partnerships with 
research groups in the UK or overseas to ensure a mutually beneficial 
relationship in developing joint projects or sharing expertise which can 
support the researcher
  * To examine trends in digital publishing in order to support curators in 
their content development decisions
  * To identify in collaboration with external researchers, partners and 
Library curators ways in which to exploit the collection in digital terms, both 
through digitisation and integration of formats, which can expand our or 
researchers' understanding of the collection
  * To actively support curators by examining with them how to realise their 
vision of digital scholarship.
  * To train and advise curators and other staff in all aspects of digital 
scholarship, especially digital scholarship methodologies, and help them plan 
and develop proposals for digitisation, bring formats together, or introduce 
digital tools to aid the research experience
  * To develop business plans and proposals for major digital scholarship 
  * To manage major digital scholarship projects.
**Resources management**

  * To manage project-based staff as required and work within budget on a 
project-by-project basis
  * To resolve queries in regular meetings with DFM representatives
  * To review Continuous Improvement (CI) opportunities within the department, 
co-ordinate CI discussions, establish priorities and undertake projects that 
drive continuous improvement locally and corporately
  * To motivate, encourage and manage direct reports, give feedback on 
performance on a frequent basis, undertake performance Management Review (PMR) 
reports for self and others on time and filed by end of the appropriate review 
  * To review, input to and implement feedback from the regular Staff Surveys 
undertaken for the directorate
  * To review, input to and implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 
activities that contribute positively to BL reputation
  * To contribute towards directorate Key Performance Indicator activities and 
directorate performance evaluation.
  * To work closely with teams in other directorates, especially EIS, SM&C and 
O&S to improve connectivity in project work and the realisation of that part of 
the Library's vision that relates to digital
**Personal and professional development**

  * To maintain contacts in specialist field of studies and keep abreast of new 
and emerging research trends and methodologies that are relevant to digital 
  * To produce a personal scholarly contribution based closely on research on 
the collections - through publication, paper-giving at conferences, lectures, 
  * To participate in the directorate's training and up-skilling programme on a 
regular basis.

  * Expected to demonstrate a willingness to take on a range of tasks and to 
develop new skills, as appropriate, in own or other departments/directorates to 
support the delivery of the Library's services as required by line management
**Minimum requirements (essential)**

  * First degree level qualification or equivalent experience, knowledge and 
  * Keen interest in and good understanding of digital scholarship
  * Excellent information technology skills, including web-based skills
  * High level of project-management skills and experience
  * Experience with tools and technologies that support digital scholarship
  * Employment experience in a research library, academic or other appropriate 
  * The ability to work both independently and as part of a team
  * The ability to undertake 'internal consulting', advising colleagues on best 
practice, etc.
  * Excellent oral and written communication skills, including the ability to 
interpret curatorial and technical vocabularies.
**Additional requirements (desirable)**

  * Qualified information professional (Chartered Librarian or equivalent)
  * Good understanding of the overall content and make-up of the Library's 
collections, in particular those relating to the arts and humanities and social 
**Additional information**  
The team of Digital Curators is key to our future strategy for developing and
interpreting the collections for users. They will report to the Head of the
Digital Curator Team and their time will be allocated among the various
curatorial groupings according to need, collaborating with curators on a daily
basis. Digital Curators will both guide
and support curators in adopting new ways of collecting e-material, and
adopting digitisation and digital tools. Curators are expected to be proactive
in integrating digital scholarship into their roles, and they will be
supported by training, partnership working with other institutions and by the
Digital Curator who will be allocated to them. Digital Curators will develop
and implement major digital scholarship projects.

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