On 21 November 2012 07:37, Dave Caroline <dave.thearchiv...@gmail.com>wrote:

> But... it is no good choosing a random extension if the Search engine
> is or will be blind to that particular method.
> As someone who likes to leverage SEO the "right" way so one does not
> get penalised, some standardisation  is needed.
This is exactly what is behind the Schema.org initiative - 'the search
engines' (Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex) have agreed to recognise
structured markup using the Schema.org vocabulary and will expand that
recognition over time as the vocabulary evolves.

There is a process, under the wing of the W3C, to propose extensions to the
vocabulary to improve it's descriptive capabilities for particular domains.
 As Jeff mentioned, this has already occurred in the areas of news,
commerce, jobs.   Coming mostly from a groups organisations in those
domains, these proposals were successful as they came with some authority
to the [by definition] broadly focused group behind schema.org.

It is for that reason, I formed the W3C Group Schema Bib Extend <
http://www.w3.org/community/schemabibex/> to create such a consensus in the
community concerned with publishing bibliographic data on the web.  All are
welcome to join this group, membership of the W3C is not a requirement.
 Elements of this COinS conversation are obviously relevant to such

*Bit of Background for those new to this:*

* Schema.org <http://schema.org/> introduced in mid 2011 by Google, Yahoo,
Bing, and Yandex.
* A generic vocabulary for describing most things in structured data on the
web that the search engines will recognise
* By June 2012, Google & Bing report that 7%-10% of crawled pages contain
schema.org markup <
* Schema Bib Extend W3C Group formed Sept 2012 as a short lived group to
propose bibliographic (in the widest sense) extensions to Schema.
* SchemaBibEx not just focusing on library needs, includes publishers etc.
- anyone wanting to publish bibliographic structured data on the web.
* Schema.org, due to its broad generic nature will only complement, not
replace, other detailed library standards.
* By publishing bib metadata in this way we have at last a way to tell the
world, not only the search engines, about our resources using markup that
will be broadly understood.
* Using markup 'the world will understand, and can use' underpins the
release of WorldCat linked data earlier this year <

Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate

Technology Evangelist, OCLC

Tel: +44 (0)7767 886 005

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/richardwallis
Skype: richard.wallis1
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