I'm pretty sure I said "if you're unsure" which means maybe you've never 
thought about it or not really clear as to what 'part of the community' means.

I mean, I'm not trying to annex the unsuspecting or anything.


On Nov 27, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Wilhelmina Randtke <rand...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Um, no.  Anyone who takes the survey has to have gotten the incoming link
> from somewhere.  This listserv is the most likely source.  So, by your
> definition almost anyone with the URL for the survey is a community
> member.
> Self-defining as part of the community is about how people see their role.
> Otherwise the survey could just list all those things you said and ask if
> the person did them.
> -Wilhelmina Randtke
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Ross Singer <rossfsin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> To second Rosy's point, if you are unsure if you are 'part of the
>> community' and you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you
>> absolutely can say 'yes' in the survey:
>> You are on the CODE4LIB mailing list
>> You have attended a Code4Lib conference
>> You have submitted to a CfP to a Code4Lib conference
>> You tried to attend a Code4Lib conference but didn't register in time
>> You have a registered account on code4lib.org
>> You have a registered account on wiki.code4lib.org
>> You have submitted to or read the Code4lib journal
>> You follow planet.code4lib.org
>> You have been in the #code4lib IRC channel
>> What I'm saying is that Code4Lib's "community" takes a lot of forms, don't
>> feel you need to be a regular in the IRC channel or something.
>> -Ross.
>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Rosalyn Metz <rosalynm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> To our dear dear lurking friends,
>>> We would also like you to take the survey.  I put the "Do you consider
>>> yourself a part of the Code4Lib community." question in the survey
>> because
>>> I  wanted to make sure that people that were part of Code4Lib were
>>> separated from the random people that might take the survey -- like oh
>> say
>>> my mom (I'm not kidding, she would take the survey if she saw it).
>>> But then I was reminded that I once thought I wasn't part of the
>> community.
>>> I read the listserv all the time and then I decided to start a blog.  And
>>> then I went to a conference where I gave a lightning talk.  And now
>> Michael
>>> Klein is yelling at me to come back to the conference and IRC chat room.
>>> So now my hope for that question is that folks like you -- who think they
>>> are just a lurker -- will take the survey and respond no to the first
>>> question.  Then maybe we can figure out a way to turn some of those nos
>> to
>>> yeses.
>>> :)
>>> A former lurker
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Rosalyn Metz <rosalynm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Ok Folks,
>>>> I'm starting off small.  Let's do a quick survey of the community and
>> see
>>>> what the gender breakdown is.
>>>> Survey Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/68G5TBG
>>>> It should take 1 minute to fill out.  It closes at the end of the day
>>>> Friday (midnight).  I'll share the results here on Monday when we're all
>>>> back to work and can have a lively discussion about what they mean.
>> Expect
>>>> a chart (I like charts in addition to surveys).
>>>> Rosalyn
>>>> P.S. can someone share on the twitters?

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